St. Louis chooses the Costello Landscaping team for property upkeep projects of all sizes. Let our experts design the perfect landscaping components for your unique yard. Let’s design your dreams together!
Discover the perfect harmony of form and function with Costello Landscaping’s Garden Walls. Our expertly crafted walls redefine your garden, combining structural integrity with artistic design.
Think Costello when you think of earth moving or earth retention needs. After installing retaining walls for over fifteen years you tend to learn the best way to keep your dirt compounded. Turn to the experts for your retaining wall needs.
Proudly operating out of a suburb of St. Louis, Missouri – we are thrilled to have been supporting the STL community in it’s outdoor improvement endeavors. Our family-owned team of landscaping designers have ample experience in the neighborhood– we’ve likely redesigned your neighbors’ yards in the past. We’re looking forward to designing a landscape that speaks your language. Visit our gallery to view past projects we’ve been lucky enough to design.
Contact us today to receive a personalized estimate for your property or job.
Our team of experts will reach out to discover your goals and work with you to create a custom solution that’s perfect for you.